Known assets
Retrieve an asset’s configuration information from the network using the SDKs or goal
. Additional details are also added to the accounts that own the specific asset and can be listed with standard account information calls.
# Retrieve the asset info of the newly created assetasset_info = algod_client.asset_info(created_asset)asset_params: Dict[str, Any] = asset_info["params"]print(f"Asset Name: {asset_params['name']}")print(f"Asset params: {list(asset_params.keys())}")
const assetInfo = await algodClient.getAssetByID(assetIndex).do();console.log(`Asset Name: ${}`);console.log(`Asset Params: ${assetInfo.params}`);
goal asset info --creator <creator-address> --asset unitname -d ~/node/data -w testwallAsset ID: <created-asset-id>Creator: <creator-address>Asset name: testtokenUnit name: unitnameMaximum issue: 12 unitnameReserve amount: 12 unitnameIssued: 0 unitnameDecimals: 0Default frozen: falseManager address: <creator-address>Reserve address: <reserve-address>Freeze address: <freeze-address>Clawback address: <clawback-address>